Switch to NGINX and Hugo

I decided to make some changes to my current root server and websites. I already migrated most of my websites to be statically generated with Hugo.

Why a static site generator?

  • My page doesn’t change very often, especially not dynamically. I create new content every 6 month, if at all.
  • Get rid of PHP and third-party scripts for security reason (Wordpress, phpMyAdmin, custom scripts, …). I use them too rarely.
  • It’s easier to backup. Since all my websites are static, managed via Git and hosted on GitHub, I don’t have to worry about backups at all!

…but why Hugo

The first tool I tried a few month ago was Jekyll to host websites on GitHub-Pages for free. I immediately hated the setup of Jekyll. I had to install Ruby and some other frameworks I can’t remember. Since I am still using Windows as primary OS it was a pain in the a** (sorry) to find and install the correct versions.

At some point Hugo came out of nowhere for me and I loved it straightaway. One binary, no dependencies and uses Go features (templates) - Love it!

Switch to NGINX

Now that there is no more PHP or other server-side scripting involved for any website, I’d like to try another HTTP server. I used Apache since the beginning and only used NGINX for some rare use cases, but now where I only need a server to deliver static contents and proxy HTTP requests to other background processes written in C/C++/Go/Node, it might be better to go with NGINX. This is exactly what it has been made for. Oh, and NGINX requires less resources.

NGINX now serves all my websites and proxies (+load balancing) HTTP requests for TS3VIDEO conference- and version-check-lookups to a REST Server API written in Go (http://api.mfreiholz.de).
